Biden’s Electability Advantage Will Be Hard to Shake Among Risk-Averse Democrats

People mean different things by electability. But Biden benefits from nearly all of them. Photo: Sean Rayford/Getty Images

Sometimes it feels like political writers (myself included) spend a lot of time trying to tell voters to think differently than they actually do. This is clearly the case with Democrats and their obsession with presidential “electability.” My colleague Eric Levitz and I have both written about how slippery the very concept is, with Eric sensibly concluding Democrats should “simply vote for whichever candidate they would most like to be president.”

But at this point, there’s really little evidence that the electability craze is going to fade, or will stop mattering as it becomes simply another sign of candidate preferences determined by other factors. In a new poll it conducted with Ipsos, FiveThirtyEight found fresh evidence this week that beating Trump is the top “issue” for Democrats watching presidential debates, even though the candidates spend most of their time talking about policy matters:

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